
Friday, September 30, 2016

Middle Eastern Countries ISIS

No, of course not, at least not directly.

However US intervention in several Middle Eastern countries, notably Iraq and more recently Libya and Syria, has left significant power vacuums in the region, and organisations which were repressed under the regimes of former dictators like Saddam Hussain, have taken advantage of the situation.  

Whilst the conditions under such dictators were often brutal, especially for those groups which were opposed to them, they did at least manage to control the extremists.  The removal of these people, together with whipped up anti-Western feeling and Islamic fundamentalism has been a major consequence of intervention, leading to the rapid and little controlled growth of organisations like ISIS.

To be fair of course, it's not just the US who should bear some of the responsibility for creating the circumstances which have lead, indirectly and probably unforeseen, to the present situation.  Several other countries including the UK and France must also be considered culpable.
There is a lot of very interesting information that ISIS was created by the CIA much like Al’Qeaeda, and ties date back to the cold war era. Many believe that the CIA trained these groups and where intended form of defense against Russian expansion in the middle east. These groups where later leveraged in way fear tactics for controlling, and disarming the US citizens.
Bill points out and provides a lot of supporting argument that directly pertains to the answer to this question highlighting similar speculations about Al’Qeada far prior to the actual events commencing and the over all “plan”. Take a look for your self. It even goes on to paint a very clear picture about the use of false flags, and the disarmament of the US people.

However while it wasn't all our fault, we are somewhat to blame for the creation of ISIS. If we had not invaded Iraq based on a untrue fact, ISIS may never have been created in the first place.
Do you hold the first domino falling responsible for the rest of the dominos falling ? Yes.
Americans have very short term memories. Every US reaction is relative to what was reported in the news within the past two weeks at best. Perhaps you can partially blame the current practices of the media to push the news cycle based on ratings rather than objective journalism, but nonetheless, to quote Gore Vidal: “we live in the United States of Amnesia”. Context is lost or forgotten by the time the retaliation comes around, and so the American public is left standing there like a deer in the headlights asking WTF ?
The closest thing to one defining moment that would be the first domino to fall in the genesis of today’s ISIS would be when Paul Bremer, appointed by the Bush circle-jerk squad, disbanded the Iraqi Republican Guard. It was the single most colossal dumb decision that could have been made. It indirectly contributed to what would become ISIS in the long term. It directly contributed to the arming and motivating of what would become the insurgency, resulting in the loss of over 4,000 US service men and women !
Other bad decisions were made before and after, but that one was the planting of the seed that germinated to become ISIS. PBS does an excellent job at breaking down the chronological order of incredibly stupid decisions one after the other in “Bush's War”. The reasons ? Simple - Iraq stability was not a priority or even a concern, so long as it did not interrupt the primary goal. That’s not why the Americans were in Iraq. It is classic short term decisions to achieve short term goals: feed the hamster back home.
The facilitation of Nouri al-Maliki coming to power was another colossal screw up, and contributing factor. See the analysis in the CBC documentary “The Rise of ISIS”. You would have thought the Americans had learned that it’s important to be mindful of who you put into power after the long term repercussions of the Shah of Iran. But what has that got to do with the concerns of lining the pockets of today’s decision makers ?
Invading Iraq in the first place was wrong in and of itself, but decisions made after the Iraq army was defeated could have taken a different path from that point on. The moment Paul Bremer disbanded the Republican Guard, the path to ISIS was born.
Iraq has been yet another example of foreign policy decisions driven by American businesses, rather than actual concern over the security of the US.
As Chalmers Johnson pointed out in the excellent documentary ‘Why We Fight’: “I guarantee you: when war becomes that profitable, we're going to see more of it.”
U.S. was just one of factors or forces which indirectly resulted in the creation of ISIS. United States, as largely believed, was not the only reason. It was actually the Al-Qaeda which contributed to the sprouting of ISIS. It's a very detailed topic, which cannot be listed here in a Quora answer.
Of course, the USA and its regional allies for continuing their military intervention, created ISIS and now they continue to support it. Many times, the ISIS was losing the battle, but the USA and its allies have saved the ISIS.
Even there are proofs and evidence for the US-led coalition's military aid to ISIL terrorists through air and many Iraqi official mentioned it, but the USA try to deny it.
As the leader of Iran said, the U.S.A created ISIS and wants to destroy Islamic civilization. They know the actions of ISIS is a disgrace to the Islam and they can stop the growth of Muslim population by the actions of ISIS.

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