In America it is consistently taught that the early English colonies were founded by people seeking religious freedom. This isn't true. They were founded by people seeking big stacks of money. They were commercial ventures. While it's true that the Mayflower pilgrims were seeking religious independence, they were only one small colony among many. Besides, they had already gone to Holland, where they encountered so much religious freedom that they had to leave. They didn't want to live in a tolerant, multi-faith country; they wanted a place where they could impose their own brand of religious bigotry.
One of my ancestors was one of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Company. He wasn't a religious refugee. He was after cash.
Here is the biggest lie in history and still being taught wrong..!!!!!
Who invented light bulb?
Easy question... Everybody know the answer... It's Edison..!!!
If you think like that then your wrong..
Then who ???
The man was Nikola Tesla.
Tesla ??? Yes Tesla
Tesla developed and used fluorescent bulbs in his lab some 40 years before industry invented them. Even Tesla had a wireless bulb. In The Prestige (film) Movie it will be shown (Must watch movie).
Edison didn't invent the light bulb, he improved upon the ideas of 22 other men who pioneered the light bulb before him.Edison just improved upon the existing filament technologies to create a longer lasting bulb. Then he started a company with that. Joseph Swan came up with light bulb years before Edison and it was used as streetlights in England.
I can say Edison is just good in selling bulbs..
Tesla was a unsung hero in history..
His contributions are Alternating Current, Light, X-Ray, Radio, Remote control, Electric motor, Robotics, Laser, Wireless Communications and limitless free energy.
Imagine one man who contributed this much.. But never been credited.
So its not Edison...
The Greeks never took over Troy by hiding themselves in a giant “Trojan horse”.
The original story comes from the Greek Mythology and takes place during the Trojan War (≈1200 BC). It says that after a fruitless 10-year siege on Troy, the Greeks decided to come up with another strategy to enter the city.
So, they built a giant wooden horse, in which they hid 30 of their very best soldiers. They left the horse near Troy, and pretended to leave. When the Trojans saw the Greek boats leaving, they came out and found the Horse.
The Greeks had purposely left one of their man near the horse, to make sure the trick would work. That man explained that he had been abandoned by the Greeks, and that the horse was a gift from the Greeks for the Trojans.
So, the Trojans took the horse back in their city and threw a party to celebrate their victory over the Greek cowards that ran away! Bad idea.
Once all the Trojans were drunk, the hidden commando exited the horse, opened the city’s doors and lit a beacon. The Greek Army came back to find the doors wide open for them to finally step inside the city and raze it.
Fantastic story? Yes, but untrue.
Most scholars agree that, if that horse ever existed, it likely was a battering ram which resembled a horse, or even a siege machine (cf. Michael Wood). There are other theories on what actually happened, but none of them is close to the tale above.
One point about that tale is still unquestioned though: don’t take gifts from people who swore to destroy you.
Oh, and while you’re here, there’s another lie that you should know about. One that is much more spread than the Trojan tale. Jesus wasn’t born on year zero/one, nor was he born on December 25th.
Edit: Many people in the comments have pointed out that mythology is not taught in History class. Indeed, and that’s actually the exact point I am trying to make! Some teachers obviously don’t know that the Trojan Horse’s story is coming from the Greek mythology and teach it as a historical fact rather than as a myth!
The most skeptics might want to refer to Giovanni’s story in the comment: he was told the Trojan Horse’s story was true last year in school (Italy).
The most skeptics might want to refer to Giovanni’s story in the comment: he was told the Trojan Horse’s story was true last year in school (Italy).
Every nation's history books teach how that nation was the righteous one, teaches about the wars they won, and all the wonderful things they did. The others are always the oppressors, the dictators. The Chinese do not learn about the massacres committed by the communist party leaders, the English are not taught how they ran the slave trade, Americans learn very little about the Slaughter of native Americans or the betrayal of George Washington that led to the massacre at Fort Duquesne, the Israeli are not taught about the Palestinian land grab, etc.
Great Articles.