Yes and no. No, the U.S. did not intentionally create ISIS, but the U.S. did help the create the conditions that enabled it to grow.
- ISIS is a fundamentalist form of Salafist Sunni Islam. Sunni is one of the two major “denominations” of Islam (the other being Shi’a), and Salafism attempts to return to the original Islam as practiced under Muhammad and the first caliphs.
- ISIS was previously Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and can ultimately be traced to a group created by Abu Musam Al-Zarqawi in the 1990s. His group committed acts of terrorism in Jordan before moving to Iraq in the early 2000s.
- Al-Zarqawi’s group joined with Al Qaeda in 2004 and submitted to the leadership of Osama Bin Laden. Al-Zarqawi was killed in 2006 and after a brief succession of different leaders it was headed by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who soon changed the name to Islamic State in Iraq.
- Al Qaeda in Iraq was able to increase its force due to the de-Baathification policy put in place in 2003–2004 under Donald Rumsfield and President Bush, and was based on the policy of de-Nazification that took place in Germany after World War II. It lead to thousands of soldiers and police officers being unemployed and nowhere to go. It led to Sunni Muslims being afforded a smaller role in the new Iraqi government and created greater sectarian division. It was a disaster and helped fuel ISIS.
- the 2007 surge was effective in driving out AQI, and President Bush urged his successor to maintain a force in Iraq to prevent a resurgence. His 2007 speech was eerily prophetic.
6. President Obama’s clear intention to pull out all troops in Iraq sent a message that created an incentive for Islamic State to return from Syria, where it formed its headquarters and regrouped. When the American troops were pulled out in 2011 it returned, as President Bush predicted.
7. President Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s decisions to overthrow Bashar Al-Assad of Syria and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya gave aid to Islamic State by funding financially and with weapons anti-Assad mercenaries who defected to IS, or they were killed by IS and had their weapons confiscated. In Libya, they ordered a no-fly zone then bombed the government. This allowed the Islamists to take over, and eventually ISIS formed an outpost in the eastern section of the country.
8. As its dangers continued to increase and was obvious to the world, Obama dismissed ISIS as the “JV team.” He didn’t take the group seriously, and it continued to grow like a cancer. Meanwhile, Bush’s prophecy came true and he has since ordered troops back to Iraq, although a relatively small amount and with serious restrictions. ISIS came to hold large swaths of territory in Syria and Iraq and has created an immigration disaster for Europe. Lately ISIS has lost some of that territory, but it still remains a grave danger to the Middle East.
Here President Putin of Russia makes accurate points about how the USA enabled the growth of ISIS, and suggests that U.S. ally Turkey has been helping it by purchasing its oil (which may be true).
The US did create ISIS, but not on purpose. It was a failure of the George W. Bush administration to anticipate the consequences of invading Iraq. The US and UK destroyed the government of Iraq and and its military, then left a weak replacement government behind. They disbanded the Iraqi military, putting thousands of combat-trained men out of employment in a divided nation awash in cheap firearms. ISIS was the inevitable result.
The invasion of Iraq was a catastrophic mistake. Anybody who was familiar with Middle Eastern politics could have predicted what would happen. Unfortunately, Bush was not among them.
While others have given better more detailed answers, I'll keep it short.
When an investigator investigates a murder, he or she looks for people who could benefit from the murder because that's where the incentive is.
ISIS has been more beneficial to the US than to Islam or Muslims or Saudis even.
As someone mentioned, cheaper oil, legitimacy on foreign policy, even local changes.
People say alqaida was defeated because OBL' is dead. People also say he attacked the US for their freedom. What poeple fail to see is, if that was his aim, he has succeeded and the US is now not so free. The NSA, the fear of the public. It all serves the government though. They can exercise more control now, leaving little room for transparency.
ISIS too seems to have succeeded. The got power where they wanted it, they instilled fear where they wanted it. The US has capitalized on their rise too.
It's a win win for the US. And so since it benefits from such groups, it seems they had a hand in it.
Willingly or unwillingly, Al Qiada, Taliban, ISIS, the very idea of Jihad as a Holly war thing, which had diminished, was brought back by the US.
The policies of United States implicitly created ISIS.
Everyone blames ISIS for their atrocities, however no one seem to criticize the Iraqi Army which was responsible for the rise of ISIS. There would have been no ISIS if Iraqi Army didn't cowardly withdraw from major Iraqi cities. They also left weapons worth 500 million which are now used by ISIS operatives.
You might say, its Iraqi armies failure, what's US got to do with this? The answer to that is, The United States appointed these guys in power, if US trained them well enough they would have decisively repelled ISIS assaults. US deliberately put some untrained, cowardly militants in power because they wanted to form a puppet state.
If the Iraqi Army was stronger, well trained like the armies of other nations then they wouldn't need rely on United State anymore. If they become self sufficient then there would be no need for US to stay in Iraq and they won't do whatever the US wants. This would put the interests of US in danger.
Rise of ISIS helped US
- keep the Iraqi government under control,
- weaken Assads armies,
- get cheaper oil for its allies (eg. Turkey),
- justify keeping soldiers in Iraq and deploy some in Syria (around 50 soldiers are deployed in syria),
- Turn public opinion in support of its foreign policy.
- Much like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran’s growing influence in the region.The fact that the United States has a long and torrid history of backing terrorist groups will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history.
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