Friday, September 30, 2016
The appearance of that is Clearly Clear

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him
Create is the incorrect Word
- No, the Illuminanti did. The future New World Order is in control now. They control all world events, wars, financial collapes, and overthrow of governments. Ever hear of the Rothschild family? Well they own 90% of all the world banks including the U.S Federal Reserve. And you thought you were a real citizen in your country.
- ISIS is created out of the other Islamist movmeents such as Al Queda and Boko Haram. The fact is there is a pervasive and global death cult in Sunni Islam and ISIS is just ONE such expression of that.We can’t take the responsibility away from the greater Islamic world.Now, with the collapse of Iraq and then Assad of Syria also lost power it did create an environment for a very thuggish element to enter. The US can accept a good bit of responsibility for Iraq. But not Syria.So without ISIS or some expression of extreme fundamentalist Islam there probably would have been crime organizations step in and set up house.
- No, the US did not create ISIS. They created themselves, largely on the basis of the lie that Shrub II used to invade Iraq, the subsequent bungling of both the elective war and the so-called nation building that ensued. Obama wanted to end the war and the occupation, but he has found out that the forces of death and destruction are very powerful and well outside the reach of a community organizer. Something similar, albeit on a much smaller scale, is happening in Chicago, much to Obama's dismay.Nobody knows why the US started, and continues to maintain all of this warmaking. Obviously, our military toy industry has gained financially from the mayhem, and the MIC is owned by politically connected insiders, who have demonstrated since at least Vietnam, that they have a multi-generational power over the warlike direction that our country is taking.The American population will continue paying for all of this war making, since the majority seems to have concluded, roughly summarizing, that war taxes are a relatively small price to pay for the war being waged abroad, not at home.Still, the question, why elective war and not elective peace, has not been answered at all by the politically correct speech which dominates the online discussion in the country. Note that PC speech is not just about which bathroom people use, it's also about the desirability of war making and the illogical justification for that war making. PC speech is one of the divisive tools that separate people from agreeing on what the US should be doing.People pretend to knowledge about evolution, but in the world of social engineering for different purposes, the most powerful tool of our corrupt leadership is divide and conquer. Again, social engineering covers way more topics than, say, gender studies.Anyhow, with the chaos in the ME, ISIS has found a fertile ground to grow in. Notice how our vaunted war machine has been effectively stymied, although there is some indication that, after clearing; holding and building could be the avenue for peace, economic freedom and order in the ME. When our civilian and military leaders tell each other the truth about the facts on the ground, and when they agree on a logical solution to those pressing problems, then maybe they will find and implement a solution.In the meantime, ISIS will work assiduously to finish the stated goal of Bin Laden, who sought to destroy our country, which is probably the best thing that humanity has created so far. Our next President may brag about their experience or their secret plans, but they will find that their words have no power, unless they describe reality accurately, and institute actions to help bring about world peace.Hard not to close with a sarcastic remark:
- We merely provided the environment and many weapons and personnel unwittingly in our idiot policy in Lybia championed by the supposed most qualified to be president, having failed as Sec State.ISIS was a fringe group with few followers in Iraq. But the Arab Spring turned to nightmare by US in Lybia proved a better recruiting environment including many rebels trained and armed by us.Proof once again that our huge and massively beyond our defense needs military merely gets us thinking we can do whatever we want, turning hope into disaster and a world more hateful toward us.
- of course, the USA did not create ISIS, which is an expression of Saudi Wahhabi Islam and received start up money from the Saudis. ISIS uses the same strategy modeled by Mohammed in his conquest of Arabia, albeit with modern weapons. Muslims have been waging exactly the kind of merciless war ISIS is waging now since Mohammed led them in attacks on caravans and cities 700 years ago.This is how Muslims conquered the Middle East, by beheading the men and taking the women as sex slaves. It’s how they conquered a big chunk of India. It’s how they swept across North Africa into Spain. It’s how they conquered parts of Italy and all of Sicily. It’s how they murdered their way through the Byzantine Empire into the Balkans.And, this, is how the Muslims think they can conquer the world.

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him
US intentionally created ISIS
It is now obvious that the societies in the Middle East are not developed enough for a democratic governance (except Israel) - and this should have been obvious to experts long before taking many of the stupid decisions.
Obviously, having a secular dictator is by far the best choice. Why, having the best option already available, US decided to fix something that wasn't broke, is a mystery.
The overall situation in Syria and Iraq today is - without any doubt - far worse, compared to the time when dictators ruled.
There isn’t even a single human being in Syria that feels better today compared to 3–4 years ago. There isn’t even a single human being in Iraq that feels better today compared to the period before the US invasion.
When Saddam invaded Kuwait, Bush-senior was clever enough just to kick his ass out and stop there. Not so for W., the boy was obviously not the smartest one in the family.

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him
CNN ans BBC to Create Conflict Which Results in Millions
1. Invade iraq , completely dismantle the country and leave it in ruins.
2 give billions of dollars to extremists in syria and spread false propaganda through channels like CNN ans BBC to create conflict which results in millions of deaths
3. Libya - need i say anything
Directly responsible for so many deaths and indirectly for deaths due to factors like starvation etc
So you destroyed their country killed their loved ones and u expect them just to stay silent . Some joined these extremists groups due to desperation and some due to hatred against usa.
I am not saying what ISIS are doing is right but one country s freedom fighter is another country s terrorist. I mean we all have seen the helicopter video that wikileaks leaked and how the CIA tortured the iraqi army and treated them like dogs . I absolute hate ISIS but what i hate even more is how the americans are always projected as the good guys. Through its invasion of Iraq. The Iraqi army got disbanded, many of whom joined ISIS. American-operated Iraq was where ISIS was born, and this was due to Saddam Hussein’s removal from power; don’t let any idiot tell you that it was Zarqawi who “created ISIS by himself,” nothing like that happens in this world, or the next.

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him
Middle Eastern Countries ISIS
However US intervention in several Middle Eastern countries, notably Iraq and more recently Libya and Syria, has left significant power vacuums in the region, and organisations which were repressed under the regimes of former dictators like Saddam Hussain, have taken advantage of the situation.
Whilst the conditions under such dictators were often brutal, especially for those groups which were opposed to them, they did at least manage to control the extremists. The removal of these people, together with whipped up anti-Western feeling and Islamic fundamentalism has been a major consequence of intervention, leading to the rapid and little controlled growth of organisations like ISIS.
To be fair of course, it's not just the US who should bear some of the responsibility for creating the circumstances which have lead, indirectly and probably unforeseen, to the present situation. Several other countries including the UK and France must also be considered culpable.
There is a lot of very interesting information that ISIS was created by the CIA much like Al’Qeaeda, and ties date back to the cold war era. Many believe that the CIA trained these groups and where intended form of defense against Russian expansion in the middle east. These groups where later leveraged in way fear tactics for controlling, and disarming the US citizens.

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him
I do believe, however, that the US had a big hand in creating the conditions that enabled ISIS to emerge. This is a classic example of how to invoke the Law of Unintended Consequences.
When the US led Coalition drove Saddam from power they moved quickly to establish an interim civil government structure pending the formation of a permanent Iraqi political authority. They made several decisions that might have seemed right at the time but they backfired spectacularly.
First they decided to purge the Ba'ath party from the government. Now under Saddam the Socialist Ba'ath party had been used by the minority Sunni Muslims as an instrument to extend their power throughout the regime. Basically membership in the party was a prerequisite for holding coveted positions in the Iraqi civil service.
Consequently, the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) had eliminated the core of experienced senior bureaucrats, thus seriously undermining the continuity of vital services to the Iraqi people. Simultaneously, this move alienated the Sunnis, who were fearful that they would lose their privileged status and be subject to a Shiite dominated government.
The CPA committed another misstep as they tried to cobble together a new constitution and provisional Iraqi political authority. Here they attempted to insert into prominent positions a number of Iraqis who had been living in exile in the United States. By doing this they managed to alienate everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, who rejected these people as outsiders and American backed outsiders at that.
Third, they committed possibly the most fatal error by disbanding the Iraqi armed forces. Thousands of trained soldiers were tossed into the street with no employment prospects. By this time there were already a number of resistance organizations forming. Among them was an organization calling itself the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). A solid number of the disbanded soldiers drifted into various largely Sunni factions, including the ISI.
By about 2008-10, the resistance was in full swing The ISI began to build momentum, extending into Syria as well. With a little arm twisting and plain bargaining some of the resistance groups folded into ISI which ultimately became ISIS. Their ranks were augmented by many former Ba'athists and by now very angry soldiers.
In summary, the US and their Coalition partners created a lot of resentment and open anger among the Sunni population by some well intended but ultimately unfortunate decisions. As I said at the beginning, they invoked the often fatal Law of Unintended Consequences that contributed to the rise of ISIS.
Now history is always 20/20 and it's easy to cast aspersions upon the US. Yet the CPA was in a bind and had to make some hard judgements on the ground. They might have foreseen the downstream consequences but they were, after all, only human. Now we have to live with the consequences.
- Top leaders: nobody from the public knows who they are. They represent 1 to 2 percent of ISIS. They are formed from iraqi (mainly Al Baath) and iranian secret services. There is a small penetration from western countries on this level
- 2nd level leaders represent 5–7 percent: these are Khawarij. These are the controllers/leaders of ISIS troops. They are also penetrated from different secret services mainly Russians and Americans
- Soldiers: theses are a group of misleaded people. They are either real ignorants or very young (under 19). These kind of people are easy to manipulate
- Military dictature oppressed te population to force the maximum number to join the rebellion
- Government took thousands of people to prisons, tortured and killed thousands
- One day, 4000 men miraculously escaped from a high security prison. They were a mix of authentic rebels and secret service agent who were being tortured so the story will work
- These 4000 joined the rebellion, unified at that time
- Few months later the rebellion split into 2, then 4, then X goups
- The new X-1 goup started to make massacres killing thousand of civilians in the name of Islam
- Government was oppressing civilians to keep the “shock doctrine” working
- Civilians hated the original rebellion
- The government “successfully” made peace treaty with all X-1 groups
- These X-1 new groups collapsed
- X-1 groups’ rebels started to surrender
- X-1 groups’ rebels were surprised to see that their leaders, their most pious camarades, sitting in military bases, wearing military uniforms, smoking cigarettes and loughing at their faces. “You have been screwed, dude”

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him
Medical Science Perspective

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him
ISIS is a fundamentalist form USA
- ISIS is a fundamentalist form of Salafist Sunni Islam. Sunni is one of the two major “denominations” of Islam (the other being Shi’a), and Salafism attempts to return to the original Islam as practiced under Muhammad and the first caliphs.
- ISIS was previously Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and can ultimately be traced to a group created by Abu Musam Al-Zarqawi in the 1990s. His group committed acts of terrorism in Jordan before moving to Iraq in the early 2000s.
- Al-Zarqawi’s group joined with Al Qaeda in 2004 and submitted to the leadership of Osama Bin Laden. Al-Zarqawi was killed in 2006 and after a brief succession of different leaders it was headed by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who soon changed the name to Islamic State in Iraq.
- Al Qaeda in Iraq was able to increase its force due to the de-Baathification policy put in place in 2003–2004 under Donald Rumsfield and President Bush, and was based on the policy of de-Nazification that took place in Germany after World War II. It lead to thousands of soldiers and police officers being unemployed and nowhere to go. It led to Sunni Muslims being afforded a smaller role in the new Iraqi government and created greater sectarian division. It was a disaster and helped fuel ISIS.
- the 2007 surge was effective in driving out AQI, and President Bush urged his successor to maintain a force in Iraq to prevent a resurgence. His 2007 speech was eerily prophetic.
- keep the Iraqi government under control,
- weaken Assads armies,
- get cheaper oil for its allies (eg. Turkey),
- justify keeping soldiers in Iraq and deploy some in Syria (around 50 soldiers are deployed in syria),
- Turn public opinion in support of its foreign policy.
- Much like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran’s growing influence in the region.The fact that the United States has a long and torrid history of backing terrorist groups will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history.

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him
U.S. really create ISIS?
U.S. really create ISIS? How?
- Companies should publish all executive officers’ salaries.
- Congress should abolish pork spending and cease handing out bonus checks on the chamber floors to those members who have records of passing bills and cooperating.

Nicholas Ogbonna
Nicholas Ogbonna is a top Professional Blogger in Nigeria. He makes money online from his blog and online businesses. You can connect with him